Function MQ_startTimer
This function starts a timer. When the given time runs out, the callback will be invoked, unless the timer is stopped first with MQ_stopTimer.
* Start a timer
* @param context the context to start the timer in
* @param timeout the number of seconds to wait before invoking the callback
* @param callback the callback to invoke when the timer runs out
* @param data customer user data to provide to the callback
MQ_Timer *MQ_startTimer(MQ_Context *context, float timeout, void(*callback)(void *data), void *data);
Using timer functionality, we can amend the example for the MQ_ioWatch function so that it times out when no input is entered for at least five seconds.
#include <mailerq.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdio.h>
* Structure that references both timers
struct Timers
* The IO watcher
MQ_IOWatcher *io;
* The timer
MQ_Timer *timer;
* Callback function to receive standard input
* @param watcher the watcher that is monitoring the file descriptor
* @param fd the file descriptor that received events
* @param data custom data pointer
void io_callback(MQ_IOWatcher *watcher, int fd, int events, void *data)
// buffer for data to process
char data[1024];
ssize_t length;
// retrieve the timers
struct Timers *timers = (struct Timers*)data;
// we are working with STDIN, which is never writable
// (because that's what we have STDOUT for), so we don't
// have to check the events variable, otherwise we could
// check for readability or writability like this:
// events & MQ_READ
// events & MQ_WRITE
// normally, when we check for readability we should not
// assume that we are receiving complete lines, however
// STDIN is line-buffered, so the callback is only invoked
// whenever the user presses return after input
// read data from input
length = read(fd, data, sizeof(data));
// if there are only two characters we received an empty line
// since the line includes the CRLF produced by the terminal
if (length == 2)
// stop watching the file descriptor
// deactive the timer
// clean up the timers
// reset the timer to five seconds
MQ_resetTimer(timers->timer, 5.0);
* Callback function for an expiring timer
* @param data custom user data
void timer_callback(void *data)
// get the timers
struct Timers *timers = (struct Timers*)data;
// we did not receive any input for 5 seconds
// so we stop listening to input
// and free the timers
* Monitor standard input for data
* @param context the context to monitor in
void monitor(MQ_Context *context)
// create the structure holding the timers
Timers *timers = malloc(sizeof(struct Timers));
// set the context
timers->context = context;
// monitor stdin for input = MQ_ioWatch(context, STDIN, MQ_READ, callback, timers);
// and stop monitoring after five seconds
timers.timer = MQ_startTimer(context, 5.0, timer_callback, timers);