Meet MailerQ at the CSA Summit
On the 10-12th of April, MailerQ will be attending the CSA Summit in Cologne. The CSA Summit is an event where international experts will support marketers and technical experts through a wide range of inputs on the topic of email.
During the Summit, MailerQ's Head of Email Delivery, Sergey Syerkin, will give the following presentation together with the Senior Technical Leader at Cisco Systems, Don Owens:
Understanding the Email Communication Between the Sender's and Receiver's MTAs.
In this workshop we will take you through the journey of an email, starting from the sender's Mail Transfer Agent (MTA) to the receiver's MTA. We will cover the way that ISPs are filtering your emails, as well as adjusting the sending parameters on the MTA's side for optimized deliverability (Pause, Limits, decrease the IP number, etc.)
If you are interested to learn more about the interplay between the senders and receivers and want to attend the summit you can register here.