Minor update 4.0.1 available
We've brought out MailerQ version 4.0.1 that fixes a couple of small problems that we found in MailerQ version 4.0.0. If you already use version 4.0.0, we recommend upgrading to 4.0.1.
What has been fixed?
Some users encountered problems with installing 4.0.0 on their system because of some wrong settings in the 4.0.0 packages.
MailerQ now uses less TCP packets to send out an email. This improves the network performance.
MailerQ 4.0.0 fixed broken emails, but by fixing them, it sometimes also causes the DKIM signature to break. This has been solved.
MailerQ 4.0.0 sometimes crashed if it was given an invalid envelope address, or when it was using secure connections to send out email.
We are currently working on internationalization in MailerQ, which we hope to have ready in version 4.1. This will allow you to send and receive emails to/from international email addresses like юзер@екзампл.ком. The 4.0.1 version of MailerQ that we brought out today already announces that it supports SMTPUTF8 and 8BITMIME if you submit email over SMTP, but this support is only partial. It works, but we have not yet implemented every thinkable feature of these specifications.
Despite the (although currently partial) support for 8bit data, we still recommend to use pure 7bit/ascii data in your mails. There are still many mail servers that do not support 8bit data, and DKIM signatures could even break if your 8bit messages are converted to be compatible with old mail servers. If you use pure 7bit mail, your messages are more likely to reach the recipients.