Minor update 4.2.4
We've released version 4.2.4 of MailerQ. This release contains a couple of bug fixes, and two new features that we already announced yesterday.
We fixed a couple of issues with the handling of DKIM signatures. The "z=" attribute in incoming DKIM signatures was not always correctly parsed, and could cause the SMTP thread to end up in an endless loop. And we solved some issues when a signature had to be added to a MIME message with UTF8 encoded email addresses, while the mail was going to be sent over a 7bit connection.
We also made a couple of small changes to the management console. The page with forced errors was for example not always correctly displayed.
New features
We already explained our new features in the news article that we posted yesterday: MailerQ now supports compression for messages consumed from and published to RabbitMQ, and the retry-interval is now configurable. Click here to read the yesterday news article