How does MailerQ bounce processing work?
DSN emails can be processed within MailerQ by use of the local email address feature. This way you can set up MailerQ to receive the FBL and bounce emails from the recipients. MailerQ will receive those message and translate them into a JSON object which can be published in one of the outbox queues in Rabbit by use of a routing key.
Is it possible to apply changes to the MailerQ configuration without restarting it? If so, how?
Yes definitely. MailerQ stores all its runtime settings in an SQL database of your choosing, see our website for all supported formats. On startup MailerQ will load all settings into memory. By default every 60 seconds these settings will be renewed (you can change this interval yourself). When you alter something in the interface it will be sent to the settings database. Within 60 seconds all connected MailerQ instances will have these new settings. If at some point your settings database would crash MailerQ will keep operating with the last known settings.
Is it possible to setup MX based rules?
There is no need to setup MX based rules in MailerQ. The system automatically recognizes which domains have the same IP on the MX record and will group sending settings for those domains. This information will be updated based on the TTL of the records to make sure you always have the most up to date settings.
Does MailerQ have IPv6 support?
Can we set up notifications for specific SMTP response patterns?
Not within MailerQ, but RabbitMQ offers some great integrations.