PHP example

To integrate MailerQ into your PHP environment, you can either write PHP scripts that inject emails directly into RabbitMQ (using the AMQP protocol), send mails to MailerQ over SMTP, or change the php.ini config file so that the builtin PHP "mail()" function automatically injects mail into MailerQ.

Using MailerQ in PHP mail() function

The PHP mail() function internally uses a command line utility (by default "sendmail") to send out the mail. Every time that you make a call to this mail() function, the PHP engine starts up this command line utility and sends out the message. By modifying the "php.ini" file you can change the command line utility into "mailerq" so that all mails sent from PHP are automatically delivered to MailerQ.

To use MailerQ for sending emails in PHP using mail() function, set the "sendmail_path" property in the php.ini config file to:

sendmail_path = mailerq --envelope --extract-recipients --ignore-dot

Accessing RabbitMQ directly

Despite the simplicity of the above solution, it is more efficient to inject mails directly into RabbitMQ. In the following example we will demonstrate you how to access RabbitMQ from PHP using the AMQP protocol. This example assumes that MailerQ is running and configured and that the PECL AMQP package extension is installed.

Read more about the AMQP protocol

The example consists of three files; settings.php, send.php and result.php. If you want to use these scripts, save the three files inside the same folder.


The settings.php file defines the settings that are needed to connect to RabbitMQ and it also contains the settings that are being used for sending an email. If you want to use the PHP example to test your MailerQ configuration, you will have to adjust the values inside the settings.php file to match your configuration of MailerQ.


 * This file holds the settings that the PHP test script uses to connect
 * to RabbitMQ and to construct the message that will be placed on the
 * outbox message queue.

$address   = 'amqp://guest:guest@localhost';    // same as the rabbitmq-address option in the config file
$outbox    = 'outbox_test';                     // same as the rabbitmq-outbox option in the config file
$resultbox = 'results_test';                    // make sure mailerq sends success+failures here

// email message settings
$recipientDomain = '';      // domain where the test message should be delivered
$recipientEmail  = ''; // email where the test message should be delivered
$fromAddress     = ''; // address where the email was sent from



This PHP script connects to RabbitMQ and places a JSON encoded message on the outbox message queue. To connect to RabbitMQ and to create the JSON encoded message, the script uses the values from the settings.php file. If you want to use this script to test your MailerQ configuration, you will have to run the send.php script before running the result.php script.


 * send.php
 * Script that connects to RabbitMQ, constructs a json encoded message
 * and puts that message on the outbox message queue.

// include the settings

// try to set up a connection to the RabbitMQ server / try to log in
    // construct the connection to the RabbitMQ server
    // could add vhost, port as well
    $connection = new AMQPConnection(array(
        'host'      =>  $hostname,
        'login'     =>  $username,
        'password'  =>  $password

    // connect to the RabbitMQ server
catch (AMQPException $exception)
    echo "Could not establish a connection to the RabbitMQ server.\n";

// try to create a channel for sending instructions
    // create the channel
    $channel = new AMQPChannel($connection);
catch (AMQPConnectionException $exception)
    echo "Connection to the broker was lost (creating channel).\n";

// try to declare the exchange, which will function as an outbox were
// rabbitmq will find the messages that need to be sent
    // declare the exchange
    $exchange   = new AMQPExchange($channel);
    // this type sends to all queues connected to this exchange
catch (AMQPExchangeException $exception)
    echo "Channel is not connected to a broker (declaring exchange).\n";
catch (AMQPConnectionException $exception)
    echo "Connection to the broker was lost (declaring exchange).\n";

// create the queue mailerq will get its messages from,
// which will get those from the exchange
    // create the queue
    $queue   = new AMQPQueue($channel);
    // queue survives rabbitmq restart
    // route from exchange1 to this queue; 
    // the routing key is optional and what it does depends on the
    // exchange type. fanout ignores it
catch (AMQPQueueException $exception)
    echo "Channel is not connected to a broker (creating queue).\n";
catch (AMQPConnectionException $exception)
    echo "Connection to the broker was lost. (creating queue)/\n";

// JSON encoded message to put on the queue
$jsonMessage = json_encode(array(
    'envelope' => $fromAddress,
    'recipient' => $recipientEmail,
    'mime' => "From: " . $fromAddress . "\r\n"
            . "To: " . $recipientEmail . "\r\n"
            . "Subject: Example subject\r\n\r\n"
            . "This is the example message text"

// try to publish the message on the queue. fanout sends to all, key1 is used as filter
    $message = $exchange->publish($jsonMessage, 'key2');
catch (AMQPExchangeException $exception)
    echo "Channel is not connected to a broker (publishing message on queue).\n";
catch (AMQPConnectionException $exception)
    echo "Connection to the broker was lost (publishing message on queue).\n";
catch (AMQPChannelException $exception)
    echo "The channel is not open (publishing message on queue).\n";

// done, close the connection to RabbitMQ



This PHP script connects to the RabbitMQ server, and gets the message that was placed on the outbox message queue by the send.php script back from the result message queue. The result message from the result queue is shown to the user. The result.php can only output any relevant information when it is executed after there is something to show in the results queue, for example by executing the send.php script.


 * result.php
 * Script that connects to RabbitMQ, and takes all messages from
 * the result message queue. This could be useful when you want to 
 * parse messages from a custom queue and later re-post them, for example
 * to the outbox queue.

// include the settings

// try to set up a connection to the RabbitMQ server
    // construct the connection to the RabbitMQ server
    $connection = new AMQPConnection(array(
        'host'      =>  $hostname,
        'login'     =>  $username,
        'password'  =>  $password,
        'vhost'     =>  $vhost

    // connect to the RabbitMQ server
catch (AMQPException $exception)
    echo "Could not establish a connection to the RabbitMQ server.\n";

// try to create the channel
    // open the channel
    $channel = new AMQPChannel($connection);
catch (AMQPConnectionException $exception)
    echo "Connection to the broker was lost (creating channel).\n";

// try to create the queue
    // create the queue and bind the exchange
    $queue = new AMQPQueue($channel);
    // again with the optional routing key
    $queue->bind('exchange1', 'key2');
catch (AMQPQueueException $exception)
    echo "Channel is not connected to a broker (creating queue).\n";
catch (AMQPConnectionException $exception)
    echo "Connection to the broker was lost. (creating queue)/\n";

// Get all messages from the queue. 
while ($envelope = $queue->get()) {
    echo "Received:\n";
    echo $envelope->getBody() . "\n";
    echo "----------------------------------------------\n\n";

// done, close the connection to RabbitMQ
