Sending and receiving bounces with MailerQ

Some mail servers initially seem to accept a message, but send back a bounce email later on in which they inform you that the mail could not be delivered after all. Such asynchronous bounces are sent back to the envelope address of the initial message. There is sadly often no way to find out whether a server is going to send back notifications, and what these messages are going to look like.

However, there is a formal standard for these bounce messages: the Delivery Status Notification (DSN) format. And there is an extension to the SMTP protocol that allows mail servers to exchange with each other whether they respect this standardized format, if the original sender would like to receive such bounce messages, and what kind of information he or she wants to receive. This standard make it much easier to link incoming bounces to the original sent email.

MailerQ supports this standard and SMTP extension: when communicating with a receiving server, DSN parameters can be passed to tell the receiver what kind of bounces should be returned. If MailerQ is configured to receive mail on a SMTP port, it understands these kind of parameters too. MailerQ can also be configured to send out, receive and recognize DSN messages.

Passing DSN settings

Delivery Status Notifications are sent back to the envelope address of your messages. This is the address that is used in the "MAIL FROM" command of the SMTP handshake, and that is stored in the "envelope" property of the input JSON. If you want to receive DSN messages, you therefore first have to make sure that your envelope address is valid, and that it indeed points back to your server.

Besides the envelope address that is used to send back DSN messages, some mail servers (but not all!) have implemented the SMTP DSN extension, and allow extra parameters to be passed to instruct them what kind of DSN messages you would like to receive back. You can for example specify that you want to see the full original mail message in the notification, or just the headers. You can also specify whether you want to receive notifications on failure, on success and/or on a delayed delivery.

    "envelope": "",
    "recipient": "",
    "mime": "....",
    "dsn": {
        "notify": "FAILURE",
        "ret": "HDRS",
        "envid": "unique-identifier",
        "orcpt": ""

The above JSON sets "" to be the envelope address. If something goes wrong, the notification will be sent to this address. If the receiving mail server also supports the DSN SMTP extension, MailerQ uses the "dsn" property in the input JSON to pass additional DSN parameters to the receiver. You can use the following four DSN settings:

notify comma separated events that trigger a notification (FAILURE, DELAY, SUCCESS, NEVER)
ret should the notification hold the full original mail or just the headers (FULL, HDRS)
orcpt the address to be included in the notification as "original-recipient"
envid unique identifier to be included in the notification as "original-envelope-id"

The "notify" variable specifies what sort of events trigger the Delivery Status Notification. Possible values are "NEVER", "SUCCESS", "FAILURE" and "DELAY". If you set it to "FAILURE", you will only receive bounces on failure. It is also allowed to set this to a comma separated list of values. If you set the "notify" property to "SUCCESS, FAILURE", a bounce message will be sent on successful delivery as well as on failure.

The bounce message holds a full delivery report, as well as the full original message. If you want to save a lot of network bandwidth, you can set the "ret" property to the value "HDRS". By doing so, you instruct MTAs not to include the full MIME message in the status notification, but only the original MIME headers.

The property "orcpt" is an optional property and holds the original recipient address. This original recipient address is included in the delivery report. This property is optional; if you leave it out the actual recipient will be used. This property is only useful if you want the DSN to contain a different "original-recipient" value than the actual recipient.

The last property that you can include in the "dsn" object, is "envid". This is a message specific message identifier, and you can set it to whatever you like. It will be included in the bounce message as "original-envelope-id", and you can use it to match the bounces with a sent message.

Keep in mind that not every mail server supports the DSN extension, and that even if they do support it, they may not always respect your parameters. There is no guarantee that you receive the DSN that you wanted. For example, if you specify that you want to receive the full original mail in the bounce (you set "ret" to "FULL"), it still is possible that you do not receive a bounce at all, or a bounce with just the headers.

Mime headers and config file settings

In the above example, we've demonstrated the JSON properties for passing DSN parameters. If you inject mails using a non-json format (via SMTP, the spool directory or via MailerQ's command line interface), you can use MIME headers instead. The following MIME headers are recognized, and do the same thing as the JSON settings:

x-mq-dsn-notify: FAILURE
x-mq-dsn-ret: HDRS
x-mq-dsn-envid: your_unique_identifier

If one or more of the DSN settings are missing, the default values from the global config file are used. These defaults can be set with the following config file variables:

dsn-notify: FAILURE
dsn-ret: HDRS

You can only set defaults for the "notify" and "ret" settings, because the "envid" and "orcpt" are normally only used on a per-message setting and it is not meaningful to have default values that apply to all emails.

Sending DSN messages

MailerQ has its own ways to report the results: it publishes JSON result objects to the result queues, and it writes results to log files. These reporting methods are powerful, and easy to integrate. Most of the MailerQ users therefore do no let MailerQ send out its own DSN messages back to the envelope address. The only DSN messages that are normally sent back to your envelope address are notifications from MTAs that initially accepted the mail.

However, MailerQ can be configured to send out DSN messages too. If you set up a RabbitMQ DSN queue (using the "rabbitmq-dsn" config file property), MailerQ starts sending out DSN messages. Every time that a message cannot be delivered, an outgoing bounce mail is constructed and published to this DSN queue. If you assign the outbox to this "rabbitmq-dsn" setting, the bounces are even automatically picked up and delivered.

We wrote that a bounce is sent on every failed delivery. This is technically not completely correct. To be precise, a bounce is created everytime that the message specific "dsn.notify" setting matches. Thus, if "notify" is set to "SUCCESS", MailerQ sends out a bounce message on successful delivery, and when it is set to "FAILURE", bounces are sent on failure. The "notify" setting is normally set to "FAILURE" so in normal circumstances bounces are sent on failure.

If you set the "rabbitmq-dsn" setting to an empty string (which is the default), no Delivery Status Notifications are sent by MailerQ. But MailerQ does forward the DSN settings to the receiving MTA, so you could still receive DSNs from MTAs further up the chain.

Receiving DSN settings

If you inject mail into MailerQ using SMTP, you can pass DSN parameters with the "MAIL FROM" and "RCPT TO" commands.

MAIL FROM:<> RET=HDRS ENVID=unique_identifier

These parameters are directly copied to the "dsn" property in the JSON that is published to the inbox queue. To enable or disable this feature, use the "dsn-advertise" setting in the config file.

dsn-advertise: 1

If you set dsn-advertise to 1, MailerQ announces in its SMTP connection handshake that it supports the DSN extension, and converts the DSN parameters that are passed to the "MAIL FROM" and "RCPT TO" commands to JSON properties. If you set it to 0, no DSN parameters can be passed to "MAIL FROM" and "RCPT TO".

Receiving DSN messages

MailerQ can also be used to recognize incoming DSN messages. If you submit a DSN message to the SMTP port of MailerQ, and MailerQ detects that both the recipient address is on the list of Local Email Addresses and that the message holds a report message, it publishes this report to the queue for incoming reports. The name for this queue can be set in the config file with the "rabbitmq-reports" variable.

This means that you can not only use MailerQ to send out mass mailings, but that you can also run a MailerQ instance to process the delivery reports that come back. If you use "" as envelope address, you can run a MailerQ instance to process all mails for the domain. Via the management console you add the "" local email address, so that all these incoming messages are accepted and sent to either the "local" message queue for normal email messages, and the "reports" message queue for emails that were recognized as reports.

MailerQ does not only recognize DSN messages, but also other types of reports like DMARC reports and disposition notifications.